Utility Billing

The City of Vernonia bills for water and sewer monthly. Utility bills are mailed and emailed no later than the 1st of the month, and are due the 15th of the month. A late fee of 6% is added to bills paid after the 15th of the month. On the 25th of the month, unpaid bills will result in water service being shut-off, and utility account suspended.

Utility Billing Applications and Forms


Payments may be made at Vernonia City Hall during business hours; or by phone at 503.429.5291.

Automatic on online payments can be made through your financial institution. Call 503.429.5291 to request an email with information to set up online payment.

Go Paperless

Sign up for emailed statements by visiting vernonia.secure.munibilling.com using the code included on your bill.

Current Rates

To learn more about Vernonia's utility rates visit our Utility Rates page.


Utility Bill Calculator

Select meter size, enter monthly water and sewer consumption, and number of billable park units to calculate monthly utility bill.

3/4" meter customers average 5000 gallons of water per month over a year.
Winter average (Nov-Feb) water consumption.
$4.00 parks fee per unit except gov't and non-profit.

Water Base: $0

Water Consumption: $0

Water Loan: $0

Sewer Base: $0

Sewer Consumption: $0

Sewer Loan: $0

Parks: $0

Total: $0