City Budget
ORS 294.305-294.565 are the statutes governing budgets at the local level. Under the statutes, all local governments are required to prepare and adopt annual or biennial budgets following a very specific process. Local budget law sets standard procedures for preparing, presenting, and using budgets for most of Oregon's local governments. Citizen involvement in the budget process is encouraged and local budget law offers a way for local governments to outline programs and services in a manner that is informational to the public. Visit the Oregon Department of Revenue for more information.
Local Budgeting Manual
Budget Documents
City of Vernonia 2024-2025 Adopted Budget
City of Vernonia 2023-2024 Adopted Budget
City of Vernonia 2022-2023 Adopted Budget
City of Vernonia 2021-2022 Adopted Budget
City of Vernonia 2020-2021 Adopted Budget
City of Vernonia 2019-2020 Adopted Budget
Budget Process
The Finance Officer works with other City departments between January and April to prepare a proposed budget. The proposed budget is made available to the public and then received by the Budget Committee at the first Budget Committee meeting. After the Budget is approved, the Budget Committee's job is done until next year, unless a special meeting with the Committee is deemed necessary. The Budget is then sent to Council for formal adoption.
The City of Vernonia begins its budget process in January of each year. The 10-member Budget Committee is made up of all 4 City Councilors and the Mayor plus 5 citizens at large. The Budget Calendar is approved at a regularly scheduled City Council Meeting in January. The City of Vernonia Budget Committee typically meets 4 times a year. The first meeting takes place in April and is considered the "kick-off" meeting for the budget process. Staff presents the budget and the committee elects a chair and sets the schedule for discussing funds.
The public is welcome to attend all Budget Committee Meetings. Public Comment is received at the second Budget Committee Meeting during Public Input. However, The Committee will allow the public to comment at all meetings if time allows.
Agendas and Minutes
Agendas and Minutes Online
City Audits
City of Vernonia 2022 Audit
City of Vernonia 2023 Audit
City of Vernonia 2024 Audit