Notice of Public Hearing Continuance

Posted by City Hall on Mar 5, 2025

WHAT: (Continued) Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP 24-01) to allow expansion of the existing Riverside RV Park (a combination RV & Manufactured Home Park), located at 1105 Riverside Drive, with the addition of 27 RV spaces on the 16.5-acre site, which is zoned as General Commercial (GC).

WHEN: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025, 6 p.m.

(Initial hearing was held Thursday, January 30th at 7 p.m.)


WHERE: Council Chambers, City of Vernonia, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR.

WHY: This notice has been prepared and published in accordance with requirements of Vernonia Zoning Code Section 9-01.10-40(C).

PROPOSAL: The application seeks to expand the existing conditional use (a combination RV/Manufactured Home Park) of the Riverside RV Park (located at 1105 Riverside Drive) with the addition of 27 RV spaces to the 16.5-acre site (zoned as General Commercial). The park currently consists of 14 RV spaces, 22 manufactured homes, and 1 stick-built house (a total of 37 dwellings). The proposed addition of 27 RV spaces would bring the total number of dwellings on site to 64.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Vernonia Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing continuance on a request by the City of Vernonia to consider the application for expansion of the Riverside RV Park, which would expand the existing conditional use as a combination RV and Manufactured Home Park by adding 27 RV spaces on the 16.5-acre site.

SAID PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUANCE) will be held before the Vernonia Planning Commission on Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 at or after 6:00 pm, in the Council Chambers of Vernonia City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon, at which times proponents and opponents of the proposed amendment will be heard.


1. Chapter 9-01.02-10 Compliance with Code

2. Chapter 9-01.03-20(C) General Residential Zone – Dimensional Standards

3. Chapter 9-01.03.40 General Commercial Zone

4. Chapter 9-01.04-50 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements

5. Chapter 9-01.04-60 Slope Hazard and Riparian Development Guidelines

6. Chapter 9-01.06 Conditional Uses

7. Chapter 9-01.06.30 Recreational Vehicle Park Standards

8.  Chapter 9-01.10-40 Type III Procedure (Quasi-Judicial)

9.  Chapter 9-05 Flood Hazard Reduction

10.  Chapter 9-06 Development in Wetlands

11. Chapter 9-08 Habitation and Parking of Travel Trailers

All Vernonia Land Use and Development Code can be found at or at City Hall.

THE STAFF REPORT AND MEETING PACKET ARE AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC. The meeting packet for the initial January 30th public hearing (which includes the meeting agenda, staff report, and exhibits) is available online now at Any additional or amended staff reports or exhibits will be available to the public beginning on March 11th, one week before the hearing continuance, online at and at City Hall. A physical copy of these materials may be copied at City Hall for a nominal fee.

PUBLIC TESTIMONY IS WELCOME. Testimony forms will be available at the hearing. You may write comments on these forms for consideration by Planning Commission. If you indicate on the form that you wish to speak, you will be invited to do so during the Public Comment portion of the hearing. Comments or questions may be submitted prior to the hearing orally or in writing at City Hall or by contacting the City Planner via phone (503) 429-5291 or email Please review the Staff Report online or in person at City Hall before submitting your comments, and address the relevant code and criteria in your testimony. Only testimony addressing the relevant criteria will be accepted. Per City code, the Planning Commission may limit or exclude cumulative, repetitious, irrelevant or personally derogatory testimony or evidence.

Failure to raise an issue in a hearing, in person or by letter or failure to provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford the decision-maker an opportunity to respond to the issue precludes appeal to City Council or to the State Land Use Board of Appeals based on that issue.

THE MEETING LOCATION IS ACCESSIBLE TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. A request for an interpreter for the hearing impaired or for other accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours prior to the public hearing to Stephanie Borst at (503) 429-5291 ext. 105, TTY (800) 735-2900 or at City Hall, 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, OR 97064.