Notice of Mandatory Water Curtailment

Posted by City Hall on Sep 6, 2024

When: Effective September 6, 2024 at 5:00 PM

Where: All City of Vernonia Water Customers

Why: A water shortage emergency condition exists in the City of Vernonia due to a decreased streamflow in Rock Creek to 12cfs (cubic feet per second) or less, as verified by water flow gauges on Rock Creek. The Vernonia City Council acknowledges that during such times of low streamflow, the ordinary demands and requirements of water consumers cannot be satisfied without depleting the water supply of the City to the extent that there would be insufficient water for human consumption, sanitation, fire protection and aquatic life protection.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in order to conserve the water supply for the greatest public benefit, The City of Vernonia has implemented the following regulations and restrictions on the delivery and consumption of water during drought conditions:

Regulation of Sprinkling and watering

No person or customer shall sprinkle, water, or irrigate any shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, plants, vines, gardens, vegetables, flowers, or any other vegetation, except as follows:

a. Irrigation, sprinkling, and/or watering is only permitted by residences west of State Avenue on even-numbered calendar days.

b. Irrigation, sprinkling, and/or watering is only permitted by residences east of State Avenue on odd-numbered calendar days.

Nonessential Residential Water Use. The following residential water uses are hereby determined to be nonessential and are prohibited:

The use of water to wash any motorbike, motor vehicle, boat, trailer, airplane, or other vehicle, except when such water is used at a commercial fixed washing facility that utilizes water recycling equipment;

The use of water to wash down any sidewalk, walkway, driveway, parking lot, tennis court, or other hard-surfaced area, or any building or structure;

The use of water to fill, refill, or add to any indoor or outdoor swimming pool or jacuzzi pool, except for the following: neighborhood fire control purposes, where the pool has a recycling water system and evaporative cover, or where the use of the pool is required by a medical doctor’s prescription; and

The use of water in a fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes, except where necessary to support aquatic life.

Nonessential Commercial or Industrial UseThe following commercial water uses are hereby determined to be nonessential and are prohibited:

Serving City water for drinking at a restaurant, hotel, cafe, cafeteria, or other public place where food is sold, served, or offered for sale, to any person unless requested by such person;

The use of water for scenic or recreational ponds and lakes, except for the minimum amount required to support aquatic life;

The use of water from hydrants for construction purposes, fire drills, or any purpose other than fire-fighting;

The use of water by a golf course to irrigate any portion of its grounds except those areas designated as tees and greens; and

The use of water for dust control.

Gutter Flooding. No person or customer shall cause water to run to waste in any gutter or drain.

Regulation of Applications for New Water Service. No new, additional, further expanded, or increased-in-size water service connections, meters, service lines, pipeline extensions, mains or other water service facilities of any kind shall be allowed, approved, or installed.

Penalty. Penalties for violating these restrictions can be found on the City of Vernonia website in Ordinance 921.

SAID WATER CURTAILMENT MEASURES shall be in effect until streamflow has increased above trigger levels for a continuous 24 hours as verified by the Rock Creek water gauge or Water Resources Department.