Advertisement for Bids - CAT Work
Posted by City Hall on Oct 27, 2021
Sealed bids for VERNONIA MILL SITE TREE PLANTING - CAT WORK will be received by the City of Vernonia, addressed to:
Josette M. Mitchell City Administrator 1001 Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon 97064
Bids will be received until 4:30 pm Pacific Standard Time on Nov. 5th, 2021, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The Scope of Work includes a brush raking project area with vegetation taller than 12 inches, and approximately 9,486 linear feet of cutting in furrows with a depth range of 8 to 12 inches.
Brush raking of the identified area, avoiding young trees wherever possible, and cutting furrows along lines as identified on the attached map, found HERE. The project period is from November 15th-December 31st, 2021.
Each bid must be submitted on the prescribed form, which can be found HERE.
The City of Vernonia reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in bidding. This project may be weather dependent and may be postponed if tree availability becomes an issue. The City of Vernonia intends to award the job to the qualified bidder with the lowest price.
Please present your bid as a total lump sum cost, the number provided will be a “not to exceed” cost for all work described.