Notice of Public Hearing
Posted by City Hall on Oct 15, 2021
Proposed Variance in the City of Vernonia, File No. VAR 21-02
When: Planning Commission: November 4, 2021 at 7:00pm
Where: See Agenda for Details
Why: The applicant is requesting a variance from Section 9-01.03-10.C.7 which requires driveways to be 24 feet long. The applicant is requesting a 21-foot driveway (between the property line and the garage door) due to riparian setback limitations to the rear of the home.
Location: 2016 Nickerson Loop, Vernonia, OR 97064. Map 5N 4W Section 34 CD Tax Lot 1200
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Vernonia Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the Type III Variance outlined above.
SAID PUBLIC HEARING will be held before the Vernonia Planning Commission. This will be a public hearing at which time proponents and opponents of the variance will be heard.
A staff report will be available to the public at City Hall one week before the hearing and may be copied for a nominal fee. Public testimony is welcome, and written statements will also be received before the hearing.
The meeting location is online, and therefore accessible to persons with disabilities.
The City of Vernonia is an equal opportunity Provider and Employer.